I’m using a aml-s805x-ac running raspbian. I’m trying to activate the i2c bus on pin 27 and pin 28 of the 40 pin header to commucicate with an other device over i2c. So far I haven’t been sucessful. Does anyone know how to active an use the i2c bus on the aml-s805x-ac?
yes i applied the i2c-b overlay with the libretech wiring tool. It also show the meson i2c adapter on i2c-1 afterwards. But when i what to check the device adress of my i2c device I don’t see anything. do you know why the device is not detected? Im sure i have wired anything to the right pins…
I checked the wiring several times, so I’m pretty sure it should be wired the right way.
I try to connect temperature measuring shield (RTD Data Acquisition 8-Layer Stackable HAT for Raspberry Pi).
Yes I just tried to connect a raspberry to the bus. But the same problem occures that the libre computer doesn’t detect any device
I also tried the i2c-ao but I’m not sure if the AML-S805X-AC (La Frite) support i2c functions at the pins 3 and 5. If you look at the pin out i2c function are not listed at pin 3 and 5 (AML-S805X-AC-V1.0A/B Headers - Google Tabellen)
I would try a I2C device with just 4 pins V,Gnd,SDA & SCL (Tiny .96"OLED or shift registers are always useful & cheap) first to validate the functionality and you can always try swapping around your SDA & SCL connections just to make sure if not successful at first. You should be able to make the device work on both I2C ports after enabling appropriate overlay.
Not sure. I have never done anything about the pull ups. But when I look on the lines with an scope one of the lines gets pulled up to 3.3v. however how would i enable the pullups if they are not already enabled?
The only adress that the i2c-detect shows is on i2c-0 (DesignWare HDMI). I’m not sure thats the right one. On the i2c-1 and i2c-2 which I activated, it doesn’t show anything. Even if i connect varoius i2c devices.
I am able to get I2C to work on pin 27 and 28 (on La Frite) by using and modifying i2c-b.dts. According to the spreadsheet pins 27 and 28 are GPIODV 24 and 25. And these two are i2c_A instead of i2c_B.
Open i2c-b.dts for aml-s805 (path: libretech-wiring-tool/libre-computer/aml-s805x-ac/dt/i2c-b.dts).
Modify these:
replace &i2c_b_pins to &i2c_a_pins.
replace “GPIODV_26”,“GPIODV_27” with “GPIODV_24”,“GPIODV_25”
replace <&i2c_B> in target of fragment@2 with <&i2c_A>.
save changes
delete i2c-b.dtbo if it is already generated
compile the entire library by executing: sudo make. This should only generate a new i2c-b.dtbo since we delete this in earlier step.
merge it: sudo ./ldto merge i2c-b
reboot the computer
once rebooted, issue i2cdetect -y 2. You should see your I2C device/s there.
Hope I am not forgetting anything.