Alta does not boot properly from USB

Blacklist the module :frowning:

Or, if there’s a physical port that’s directly connected to the A311D, my experience with the S805/905 was that the issue only arises when the on-board hub is in the way.

UPDATED So it looks like the Alta’s ports are all connected to the hub. And it’s a different hub chip (well, it would have to be, since it handles USB3). But from some discussion I found on LKML it seems to use the same onboard_usb_hub module, so the same blacklisting might work. Or this hub might need whatever supervision the module provides for $REASONS.

The discussion also says that the developers (not associated with libre?) have only lousy documetation on the chip, which would be my own description of the “product overview” that was all I could find for the GL852 the S805/905 boards use.