Hello all,
This is my first post, I am in a bind. I have had your Libre AML-905X-CC-V1.0 SOC board for a while now. I picked up an LCD with digitzer shield from Amazon here(Amazon.com), it had a lot of reviews and compatibility with the original Raspberry board, and I assumed the setup would be as simple.
For most it seemed the process was(with raspbian):
1)enable SPI protocol through raspi-config
2)download from git LCD-show (Home · goodtft/LCD-show Wiki · GitHub)
3)pretty much follow their docs as well
4)in the rasberry pi, and source code root directory, run sudo ./LCD35-show and reboot
5)success (for many)
My difficulty is coming from the libre not having or identifying the proper SPI kernel modules. I tried chatGPT and it gets stuck at identifying the drivers. MY process has been:
- This clearly tells me I have the drivers: ls /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/drivers/spi
- I then : sudo modprobe
- no errors given, but when I try to find them: ls /dev/spi* I get nothing and any attempt in a python script to try to use the drivers (which appear to not be recognized throws an error inherently)
Any help would be greatly if anyone has run into this issue, thank you in advance!