Hello again,
This is my second post where I am plagued with GPIO problems again. My Libre Computer: ALL-H5-CC, using raspian 11 and 12 distro from libre website.
So I have a total of three touch screens I bought.
3.5" TFT Generic Brand
3.5" TFT Generic Brand
5.0" TFT Generic Brand
So, from all the posts I have scavenged to get my 3.5" screen to work, all I’m finding is to use the two overlays (spi0-cs1-ili9486-xpt2046) & (spi0-cs1). Once I merge these overlays and reboot, all I see on the 3.5" TFT is…
So, looking at other tutorials, I am supposed to goto LCD wiki, and follow my screens steps. But at the beginning it calls for a TFT35A.DTBO. Which should be covered by what i did above, but the screen stays as per my screen shot.
All that said applies to my 3.5" screens, but my 5" screen has an HDMI plug. I am able to get visual on it, but my touch is non-responsive. I’ve tried various overlay combos, but connot get the touch to work. For the 5" screen I need MOSI 19, TP interrupt 20, MISO 21,SCLK 23, CHIP SELECT 26.
I have become so frustrated with these boards im on the verge of giving up and moving to another platform. I don’t mind learning new things, but this has become so frustrating. Please help. No rush, it will be hours before I can update again. Thanks in advance.
Have you tried plugging it in directly without the expansion board? It looks like the LCD is receiving the signals but the data is being corrupted.
Do not follow LCD wiki. It’s just RPi crap that doesn’t even work on the newer Pi.
You have to learn how the displays are suppose to be driven. AML-S905X-CC already has the overlay for both displays. ALL-H3-CC-H5 (not ALL-H5-CC which is not a released product) has it only for the SPI touch and SPI display. libretech-wiring-tool is available on GitHub. All you have to do is define the correct pins for each platform and it will work. See the Kuman instructions for Le Potato to create a similar overlay for Tritium to drive the HDMI display.
Hey just a quick, partial reply, I have tried without the expansion board, same effect. I bought the board to illuminate the GPIO outputs as a way to verify the GPIOs did turn on correctly.
I will try and follow your instructions to define the pins. If you have a reference post i can refer to it would help. I’ll do my own research in the meantime.
I have tried looking through the posts, but I am not educated in Linux, or programming. I am good with electronics, but no programming. I have so little patience for it.
I understand the I need to tell the PC to utilize the overlay correctly and set it up correctly, but i’m gonna need more directions.
I have the wiring tool downloaded. I have no current overlays applied. So please help explain it to me from a fresh install, and up-to-date.
Once I get my screen working i wouldn’t mind doing a youtube video how-to on the subject. I know it would help a lot of people out there because there are a lot of posts about these screens. I’ve seen some get it resolved and I’ve seen where it looked like some gave up.
Out of dumb luck I sort of smudged together an overlay, and have a picture on my 3.5" screen. The touch is working but inverted, I was just so happy I had to tell lol.
I don’t understand what I did and why I what I did worked, so please more info would help.