How to check GPU usage in Debian?

Hello. I’ve got a Le Potato and an Alta. Is there a command line tool to check for GPU usage? something like htop?

There is nvtop, and it is available as a Debian package, but it may not support the GPU hardware. It’s not nvidia only, but to be honest I don’t even recall what GPU IP the AML boards have.

GPU is not a descriptive enough term. SoCs are composed of many IP blocks connected to a bus that shares memory access. GPU is a generalized term that can encompass many discrete IP blocks that have very little to do with each other.

If you are only talking about the ARM Mali 3D accelerator, there are usually performance counters or instruction issuance metrics on the device. However, it does not abstract down to a single number.

Right. I had to explain more regarding what I mean :) Yeah I’m talking about the 3D accelerator which runs OpenGL applications. How do I access those numbers? And where can I find a description on what each number means?