HOWTO Create Bootable TF Card

I have purchased ROC-RK3328-CC from Aliexpress Libre Computer Store, it is being shipped.

Quote, librecomputer, “Our newer boards include onboard memory that stores this binary …”

So, boot, 1st I will try, rEFInd EFI folder on a TF card.
If success, I will have HDMI display, and will be able to chainload to anything.

If fail, I will;
fdisk /dev/sda 1st sector 4096
mkfs.vfat /dev/sda1
dd if=bin of=/dev/sda conv=fsync,notrunc bs=1 count=442
dd if=bin of=/dev/sda conv=fsync,notrunc bs=512 skip=1 seek=1

dd is the tool I use, I use Linux console tools, I do NOT use other tools.

My monitor, Zsus 10" 1080p 5V, I think 1080p best chance for u-boot.
Quote, librecomputer, “The board will try to read the bootloader from the eMMC and then the MicroSD card from sector 64 (32KB).”
1st sector 4096 OK ?

Armbian boots, of course, from TF card, NOT from USB.

libretech-flash-tool does one thing only;
dd if=BOARD-boot.bin of=/dev/sda oflag=sync bs=512 seek=1
(my storage device is sda because I am in a live OS.)
If your TF card is not partitioned (1st sector ?,) and formatted (I suppose mkfs.vfat is OK ?,) it is useless.

Libre OS Bookworm has a EFI partition, 1st sector 2048, bootable flag on of course.
Armbian has a single ext partition, 1st sector 32768.
Quote, librecomputer, “The board will try to read the bootloader from the eMMC and then the MicroSD card from sector 64 (32KB).”
QUESTION 1st sector ?

I will flash the bootloader, and burn the Libre OS, try boot.
I will burn the Libre OS, and flash the bootloader, try boot.

BOOTAA64.EFI from Libre OS, is about 4MB, that’s about 4x bigger than ‘normal’ ?

My TF cards VERY OK.
cpufreq-set -u min


flash 1st, burn 2nd.

It appears that, if the ‘version’ of bootaa64.efi, is ‘OK,’ power on and the green LED goes off practically immediately.
When I finally get to chainload to a Bookworm netinst, I am hoping that the initial boot installer taking me to choose language, has hdmi !
Work in progress.
Thank you.
Shey shey.
Please contribute.