Mismatch SHA265 hash?

The SHA256 file says the hash for “debian-12-base-arm64+roc-rk3328-cc.img.xz” should be:

Windows certUtil:
SHA256 hash of debian-12-base-arm64+roc-rk3328-cc.img.xz:

They don’t match? Did I do something wrong?

On the SHA256SUM file in Index of /ci/debian/12/

It’s showing 6840d5fd717188f5ad88c22d0700cb21f2fb2aa1b875df972c8da476e947c22d for that specific image.

There’s a syncing error between our server and the S3 bucket we’re using. It should be resolved in 24 hours.

You’re right, somehow, I copied a wrong SHA hash.

The hash in my file matches yours.


but I’m still getting
from Windows certUtil.

I will check back in 24 hours.


It should work now. Our s3 sync wasn’t updating the SHA256SUMS file.

Hashes are matching now! Thanks!!

Thanks for reporting. We have also updated libretech-flash-tool to verify checksums.