Overclock Libre Computer AML-A311D-CC Alta (Cottonwood family)?

@librecomputer and anyone else in the know, is it possible to overclock the Alta, say to 2.4GHz on the A73 cores and 2.0GHz on the A53 cores?

I ask because according to CNX-Software, with the O-Droid N2 Plus (AML-S922X based) “Hardkernel also found out they could overclock the processor up to 2.4 GHz in all 300 boards they have delivered a 33% boost over the original ODROID-N2 board”, which seems to be fairly similar to the A311D in its cores…

We do not recommend it. Overclocking pushes some power and logic circuitry beyond the tested bounds. It may seem to work properly but the error rates over time will be significiantly higher be they silent or detectable.

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Fair enough - also just noted your responses to similar overclocking topics…