Here are the two methods I’ve come up with for using the proper gpiod python package - the one that ships with the copy of Le Potato Raspbian 12.
Easy Way, Symlink It.
First, I needed to determine where the package is. Below is a python script that you’d run using the Python environment that ships with the Le Potato Raspbian 12. It’ll print the location of the gpiod package.
def main():
# Try importing gpiod
import gpiod
except ImportError:
print("gpiod is not installed or cannot be found.")
# Print out where Python is loading gpiod from
print(f"Path to gpiod module: {gpiod.__file__}")
if __name__ == "__main__":
Running the above script gives the below output on Le Potato Raspbian 12:
Path to gpiod module: /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/
Using this information, we can symlink this into a python virtual environment.
Make a virtual environment located here: ~/my_project_env
and activate it:
python3 -m venv ~/my_project_env
source ~/my_project_env/bin/activate
Determine where you need to make your site-packages
ls ~/my_project_env/lib
In this case it’s python3.11
Make your site packages directory:
mkdir -p ~/my_project_env/lib/python3.11/site-packages
Create a symlink from the correct gpiod package to your virtual environment’s site packages.
ln -s /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/ ~/my_project_env/lib/python3.11/site-packages/
Using your virtual environment, test that gpiod imports correctly.
python -c "import gpiod; print(dir(gpiod))"
['Chip', 'ChipIter', 'LINE_REQ_DIR_AS_IS', 'LINE_REQ_DIR_IN', 'LINE_REQ_DIR_OUT', 'LINE_REQ_EV_BOTH_EDGES', 'LINE_REQ_EV_FALLING_EDGE', 'LINE_REQ_EV_RISING_EDGE', 'LINE_REQ_FLAG_ACTIVE_LOW', 'LINE_REQ_FLAG_BIAS_DISABLE', 'LINE_REQ_FLAG_BIAS_PULL_DOWN', 'LINE_REQ_FLAG_BIAS_PULL_UP', 'LINE_REQ_FLAG_OPEN_DRAIN', 'LINE_REQ_FLAG_OPEN_SOURCE', 'Line', 'LineBulk', 'LineEvent', 'LineIter', '__doc__', '__file__', '__loader__', '__name__', '__package__', '__spec__', '__version__', 'find_line', 'version_string']
The above will allow you to use the pre-installed gpiod package in a python virtual environment.
Build From Source Code
If you want to build from source on the Le Potato Raspbian 12, these are the needed build dependencies:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install \
autoconf automake libtool pkg-config \
autoconf-archive \
build-essential \
python3-dev python3-setuptools python3-wheel
Clone the source repository and enter the directory:
git clone
cd libgpiod
Make a distinctively named Python virtual environment where you’ll set things up:
python3 -m venv ~/venv_with_gpiod_from_source
source ~/venv_with_gpiod_from_source/bin/activate
Verify your virtual environment environment variable is set correctly:
Install Python’s build
package into your virtual environment.
pip install build
Run the repo’s bootstrap script (this will take a while).
Configure the files to use your python virtual environment.
./configure --prefix="$VIRTUAL_ENV" --enable-bindings-python
Run make and make install (Also takes a while):
make install
Set your LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable to properly use your virtual environment:
Test it:
python -c "import gpiod; print(dir(gpiod))"
['Chip', 'ChipClosedError', 'ChipInfo', 'EdgeEvent', 'InfoEvent', 'Iterable', 'LineInfo', 'LineRequest', 'LineSettings', 'Optional', 'RequestReleasedError', 'Union', '__all__', '__builtins__', '__cached__', '__doc__', '__file__', '__loader__', '__name__', '__package__', '__path__', '__spec__', '__version__', '_ext', '_internal', 'api_version', 'chip', 'chip_info', 'edge_event', 'exception', 'info_event', 'is_gpiochip_device', 'line', 'line_info', 'line_request', 'line_settings', 'request_lines', 'version']