steamlink to lepotato with raspburypay

I’m trying to run steamlink but it doesn’t work on x11 desktop. I switch to the terminal with alt+shift+F2 and try to launch steamlink from the terminal and get a 128mb video memory warning. To increase the video memory, it is recommended to edit the gpu_mem parameter in config.txt, I found the file in /boot/efi/config.txt, but adding the gpu_mem=256 parameter does not work. It is also recommended to change the parameter

Enable DRM VC4 V3D driver

on FKMS in the same config.txt which also does not work, when I start the steamlink from the terminal I get a black screen. How can I change these settings on my lepotato?
I use:
image 2022-09-22-raspbian-bullseye-arm64+aml-s905x-cc.img.xz
AML-S905X-CC-V1.0-A board
USB power supply 5V 2.5A
Samsung monitor with HDMI and a resolution of 2560x1440 during setup, later I will switch to a LG 1080p TV

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VC4 is the GPU of the Broadcom SoCs used in Raspberry Pi. You need a version of SteamLink built for upstream graphics standards like DRM or Wayland and not custom designed for VC4.

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Hey! I know it’s a bit old post, but have you managed to run steamlink on your le potato? I’m willing to buy one to do the same, but I haven’t found any other topic on this on the internet.

Hello. As I understand it, steamlink does not support the LePotato video processor. I could not find suitable releases and abandoned this idea. It is a pity that it turns out this way, it would be a good use for my LePotato.