Sweet Potato POE hat pin configuration

Which POE hats are compatible with the Sweet Potato? The launch announcement thread made it sound like any POE hat supporting 802.3af or 802.3at should work and most Raspberry Pi-compatible hats would work out of the box (link). However, the pin configuration on the Sweet Potato differs from the RP in the location of the 4 ethernet power pins:

  • The Raspberry Pi has that 4-pin cluster near the 40 pin GPIO header, by the USB hub, but offset a bit
  • The Sweet Potato has the 4-pin cluster near the HDMI port, as called out in the post linked above (it’s the cluster marked “5J2” according to the schematic)

Every POE hat I can find, including the ones I purchased has the connectors for those pins in the Raspberry Pi position, which means that in their “normal” position they only connect to the 6 pins on the GPIO header and don’t connect to the 4 pins that actually receive power from the ethernet port. The effect is that nothing seems to recognize a Sweet Potato with a POE hat as a POE device, because it doesn’t have anywhere for POE power to go.

Alternatively, when I wedge the hat on at the right angle, I can do the opposite: connect the 4 POE pins but not the output pins to the GPIO. When that happens my switch recognizes the board as a POE device and powers it, but that power doesn’t make it past the hat itself since the output pins aren’t connected.

Is there a recommendation for which POE hat I should be using?

I think loverpi.com sells them.
They seem to be the main distributor for Libre Computer products.

Ah. So There’s only one: LoveRPi PoE HAT with PWM Fan Controller for AML-S905X-CC-V2 Sweet Pota

Disappointing that the PIN configuration is different. Given the use of RPi form factor and GPIO I had assumed that any RPI POE hat would work for the Sweet Potato :disappointed:

Given that the only one compatible is sold out, I’m going to plan B: longer standoffs and some jumper wires

PoE HATs cannot be the same for every board to due to power and layout limitations. They have to be board specific.