If you happen to have a LePotato, the easiest way would be to use the pyamlboot method to flash an image directly to the eMMC. Then, transfer the eMMC over to the renegade and it should boot.
To flash directly from the rk3328, I did the following:
- Flash Raspbian Lite to an SD Card on another computer.
- Copy the Ubuntu image to a USB thumb drive on another computer.
- Boot the rk3328 from the SD card (I think the eMMC takes precedence when booting - so make sure it’s been properly erased or else it might hang).
- From a shell prompt mount the USB thumb drive and flash the image directly to the eMMC:
dd if=/mnt/the-ubuntu-image-name.img of=/dev/mmcblk0 bs=1M
- Shutdown, remove the SD card, and reboot.
I’m drawing from memory, but I think the eMMC comes up as /dev/mmcblk0 and the SD card as /dev/mmcblk1.