Wireguard crashes the OS

Folks, I have tried different OS after the initial setup everything okay. Able to updated upgraded the OS, no issue.

But as soon as I installed Wireguard the next boot up the unit just crashed. Had to burnt a new image again.

Had anyone run their Le Potato or Sweet Potato with Wireguard?

If yes and working - please share some info.


Crashed? Error? Wireguard works fine on 6.1 and 6.6.

Sorry, for late reply. I do not see the error with newer OS.

The original error was older OS, the issue was after installed Wireguard the next boot up, the Potato just would not boot up. Nothing to see even on the HDMI display.

I think during the installation Wireguard may be - newer header got installed or something.

But I have no issue with the later OS now.


Wireguard has been a module in the kernel so no installation should be needed for the kernel side. The userspace tools need to be installed.