Lakka for Libre Computer Boards

Lakka is a distribution based on LibreELEC targeted for retro-gaming based on libretro/retroarch. The naming convention for our boards on the download pages are slightly different than our convention.

Please note that the direct links might be broken and we recommend going to the download page.

For AML-S905X-CC Le Potato, please download and replace the file meson-gxl-s905x-libretech-cc.dtb on the drive after flashing. Otherwise Lakka will get stuck on the boot logo due to it attempting to use CVBS. If you need CVBS, follow this.

We also recommend checking out Batocera.linux since it is newer and has better emulator support.


Lakka 4.3 for Renegade uses and old Kernel version and therefore USB3 port doesn’t work and WiFi driver is buggy and my dongles are unable to recognize my home WiFi, for instance with Armbian Bullseye which uses a newer kernel USB3 port works as well as the WiFi dongle.

Maybe next version will use a better kernel meanwhile so far has been a poor experience… :frowning:

Renegade is not really designed for retrogaming but rather server tasks. Le Potato has a faster GPU and cost less.

Retrogaming does not need more than 2GB of RAM so we recommend you purchase the other board for now until more software bits are in place and support in Batocera is completed.

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I ordered a Le Potato… For the Renegade I will find something else to do… Thanks!

You can also try the latest batocera images here: Batocera.linux for Libre Computer Boards

What are some uses for the renegade? I have one that im undecided what to do with. May have to just save up for another printer to use it with haha

Lakka 4.3 for Le Potato does not boot, tried with different SD cards, different downloads, and different methods (DD & Etcher)… :weary:

Didn’t notice the bold sentence… :sweat:

I got the Le Potato with the included WiFi dongle. I’m able to access WiFi on Raspbian, but can’t see any networks when booting to Lakka. Is there anything I need to enable to use the WiFi dongle on Lakka?

Lakka is somewhat old now. Move to batocera.

but how to install Batocera on le potato

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