Libre Computer Board Recommended WiFi Bluetooth Dongles

Libre Computer boards do not come with onboard WiFi or RF components.

We recommend external pre-certified RF devices for performance, cost, and compliance reasons.

Affordable plug and play dongles are available:

  • GenBasic WiFi 4 USB 2.0 Nano Dongle for Linux Amazon
  • GenBasic WiFi 5 Bluetooth USB 2.0 Combo Dongle for Linux Amazon

These were specifically designed to consume 0.5A or less so that they not create power issues with proper power supplies. If these devices disconnect from the USB bus, it’s indicative of insufficient power.

These dongles are also available from distributors in bulk at discount.

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The two dongles mentioned above are not available here in Japan as far as I can tell. Is Amazon US the only option?

We recommend MT7601U, MT7610U, RTL8723DU, and RTL8821CU based dongles since they will be plug and play.

Do you know what power consumption we’d be likely to see with the CSR8510 IC, as in the TET-BT4 dongle? The specs confirm that it is BLE compatible

To answer my own question, according to this specsheet:
“Working Current Depends on profiles, 22mA typical
Standby Current (Connected ) 0.4uA”

A potential alternative to USB dongles for Wi-Fi and Bluetooth could be attaching an ESP32 device via GPIO? There could also be potential there for adding Meshtastic capability if you choose a compatible ESP32 board?