I’m trying to boot Ubuntu Desktop on a Renegade. I can successfully boot every time off an old Kingston 8GB SD Card with a write speed of a meager 5 MB/s. The performance is pitiful, of course. I was only using the Kingston as a proof of concept, and immediately went to upgrade to a recommended card. I purchased a SanDisk 32 GB SD Card with a maximum write speed of 120 MB/s (in practice, my rig seems to max out at about 50 MB/s) and flashed the same image to it, but the board never boots. It doesn’t even get to the “heartbeat” stage. When I switch it for the old Kingston, it boots up without issue.
I’m at a loss as to why this may be. The SanDisk card looks to be in excellent condition and it works perfectly otherwise. I figured I’d ask and see if perhaps I’m missing something obvious before returning the SanDisk or buying another card.
My experience with the renegade that I just received from amazon: I tried the Ubuntu, bullseye and buster images and always get the same behavior. The board will boot normally the first time only and when I do shutdown -r now it will just shut down. Upon reapplying power, the lights stay solid and nothing else happens. It is headless so this is all I see. Armbian works as it should.