Troubleshooting General Boot Issues

Forgot to attach the screenshot.

Please donā€™t double post identical problems.

Issue Booting Raspian Buster Lite onto La Frite

I downloaded the CI from Libre website - 2022-09-22-raspbian-buster-armhf-lite+aml-s805x-ac
Flashed it to a 16gb sandisk Usb key using raspberry pi imager on Mac
plugged key into the USB port further from the IR sensor
power on with dedicated USB power supply

I see following errors. Then it just hangs.

EFI stub: booting linux kernelā€¦
EFI stub: eft rig protocol unavailable
EFI stub: error: firmwarebubg: efi_loaded_image_t::image_base has bogus value
EFI stub: error: firmware bug: kernel image not aligned on 64k boundary
EFI stub: using dab from configuration table
EFI stub:exiting boot servicesā€¦
host not halted after 16000 microseconds

Any ideas? thank you

I recently bought 3 of the s905x-cc. Downloaded the image from the site, followed the decompression step with7 zip, used win32 to etch, and when I put the as into the LePo I get a solid red and blue light, followed by a solid red blue and green light, green and red stay lit, blue light double flashes. Happens on all thre boards, Iā€™ve tried different as cards, nothing comes out on the hdmi display.

S905X Le Potato, Raspbian bullseye. Iā€™m using the arm64-libretech branch of the libre fork of pi-gen (GitHub - libre-computer-project/pi-gen at arm64-libretech) to generate an image. Iā€™m getting this error:

Iā€™ve tried multiple SD cards, Raspberry Pi Imager & Balena Ether, no joy. Regular Pi 5/2A PS.

The CI build of bullseye for the S905X does work.

Please create a separate post for pi-gen and not post under this thread as these are not related. We will help you with pi-gen there.

I canā€™t boot,screen stays black.
I bought the AML-S905X-CC twice, and both are having the same issue.
Using Sandisk Ultra SD and tried Verbatim Premium too.
Power supply is 5v3a and tried 5v1.5a.
Tried both Ubuntu and Raspbian. Flashed with Win32DiskImager and with Raspberry Pi Imager.
Went inside the config file to set them up for HDMI.
Result is red and green light are constantly on. Blue light is blinking twice, pause, blinking twice, repeat.

Iā€™d love help with this.


The blue heartbeat means Linux booted, so it looks like your having video issues. HDMI usually works out-of-the-box, no configuration needed.

Thatā€™s an issue that isnā€™t in my wheelhouse, but anyone who can help you will probably want to know what kind of display are you using at a minimum. You also may want to test with a different display/cable.

Found the issue. I tested 2 screens, both were incompatible with the potatoā€¦

Solvedā€¦ Found the issue. I tested 2 screens, both were incompatible with the potatoā€¦ a 3rd one worked. I spend 3 hours on this xD

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Please submit the EDID of those screens here: AML GXL No Video or Bad Video on Monitor

Hello. I have spent 5+ hrs trying to get this to work. I have tried many power supplies and many sd cards and many flashing tools. When booting, it shows libre logo, boots into linux shell, and then lists all the [ok] but about 2secs later the libre logo pops back up and it repeats. Please help

What board and a picture of your power supply and how itā€™s connected to the board. Spontaneous shutdown is usually insufficient power delivery.

I have the le potato. I have tried with an apple power brick and a 5v 10a power inverter on my Voron 3d printer. It worked fine before with it but ever since I reflashed it just wont work.

now, when I power on and it runs through the [ok] the blue light blinks slowly and then blinks fast.

Do you get any messages on your screen when it starts blinking fast? Usually the fast blinking is because of a kernel panic so something went wrong during boot. There should be an associated message on screen or on the UART.

yes there are alot of errors. should i reflash and try again?

It would help to provided the errors to us instead of just saying there are errors. We are just wasting space on this thread going nowhere.

Where is the first failure. This is just a bunch of services failing. This is a clean install of which image?