2023-09-28 Kernel Recipes and Embedded Recipes Gift Feedback and Support


Thank you for attending Kernel Recipes and/or Embedded Recipes.
We have put together a few resources for you to get started quickly with the gifts.

More information about the boards:

If you want to build your own or customize the bootloader (optional):

Upstream distribution images and status:

Customized Debian distribution images (please use +arm64.img.xz) with hardware tools:

Using our integrated hardware tools:

DSI and NPU:

We will release more information about this in a week or two.

CSI and ISP:

Hope to have more on this soon.

More information on Linux support:

Support is always improving. Many of us are on the #linux-amlogic IRC channel hosted by Libera.Chat.

If you have any questions, concerns, or need other help, feel free to reply to this thread. Happy hacking!