HI and welcome.
Looking at the datasheet for your sensor, it looks like it uses 1-Wire. You will need to apply a Device Tree Overlay, there appears to be one called “w1-gpio” for 1-wire that should enable that communication protocol on ‘gpio “4” (BCM)’ according to the comment in the overlay. I ran lgpio bcm 4
and that spit out info for GPIOCLK_0, which is physical pin 7.
I have no idea how to read from it after that, I’ve never used 1-Wire myself.
Here’s some info on GPIO and Device Tree Overlays for the tater, hope it gets you started off in the right direction:
EDIT: Two other things I’d note if you’re new to this SBC:
- Watch your heat: Le Potato - Long Term Process Heat
- Your’re better off using generic Linux guides. Raspberry pi stuff tends to be pretty specific to broadcom chips, where as the folks at Libre Computer try to do everything the upstream Linux way (Which is awesome, since I daily drive Ubuntu Studio).